Friday, 11 November 2011


My friend attended the test and we tried to solve the questions.Here are some.Answer provided are true to our perspective,please do confirm it.Please post your comments,and if you know any answers you are welcome to  post it.

1.UNIX uses ls to list files in a directory. The corresponding command in MS
environment is:
a. lf
b. listdir
c. dir


2.A file with extension .txt

a. Is a text file created using vi editor
b. Is a text file created using a notepad
c. Is a text file created using word

ANS:File created with notepad will have .txt extension.

3. In the windows environment file extension identifies the application that created it. If we remove the file extension can we still open the file?
a. Yes
b. No

ANS: yes
You can check this by yourself.Go to control panel  and open folder options and then  open views tab,here uncheck hide extensions for known file types.Then you can rename the file along with extension.So now by the given problem remove the file extensions by deleting the extension.Now when we try to open this,windows is confused with which application it has to be opened.Hence it shows the dialog box to open the file.we can select the preferred apps to open this.After selection windows opens the file.Thats it !! hence proved..

4. Which of the following files in the current directory are identified by the regular expression a?b*.
a. afile
b. aab
c. abb
d. abc
e. axbb
f. abxy

Ans: b.aab e.axbb

5.For some file the access permissions are modified to 764. Which of the following interpretation are valid:
a. Every one can read, group can execute only and the owner can read and write.
b. Every one can read and write, but owner alone can execute.
c. Every one can read, group including owner can write, owner alone can execute

Ans: C
Reason is that 764 means
owner - 7 - 111 - read write and execute
group  -6 - 110  - read and write only
others -4 -100 - read only

6.The file’s properties in Windows environment include which amongst the following:
a. File owners’ name
b. File size
c. The date of last modification
d. Date of file creation
e. The folder where it is located

Ans:Actually we can notice all the details in the file properties  dialog box .

7. Which of the following information is contained in inode structure

a. The file size
b. The name of the owner of the file
c. The access permissions for the file
d. All the dates of modification since the file’s creation
e. The number of symbolic links for this file

Ans: inode structure consists of  file type,link count,owners id,group's id,file size,file address,last access to file,last modified,last inode modification.Microsofts counterpart of an inode is file control block (FCB)

8.File which are linked have as many inodes as are the links.
a. True
b. False

9. Which directory under the root contains the information on devices
a. /usr/bin
b. /usr/sbin
c. /usr/peripherals/dev
d. /etc/dev

10 A contiguous allocation is the best allocation policy.

11.An indexed allocation policy affords faster information retrieval than the chained allocation policy.
a. True
b. False

12.An indexed allocation policy affords faster information retrieval than the chained allocation policy.

a. True
b. False

Ans: in general indexed allocation is faster.

13. Absolute path names begin by identifying path from the root.
a. True
b. False

Ans: True.

preparing the rest ..soon will be updated..


  1. other answrs also...i look forward to ur reply



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